WARNING: Do not plug optional electrical accessories into the cigar lighter socket. Incorrect use of the cigar lighter can cause damage not covered by the vehicle warranty, and can result in fire or serious injury.
Note: When you switch the ignition on, you can use the socket to power 12 volt appliances with a maximum current rating of 15 amps.
Note: If the power supply does not work after you switch the ignition off, switch the ignition on.
Note: Do not hang any accessory from the accessory plug.
Note: Do not use the power point over the vehicle capacity of 12 volt DC 180 watts or a fuse may blow.
Note: Always keep the power point caps closed when not in use.
Do not insert objects other than an accessory plug into the power point. This damages the power point and may blow the fuse.
Run the vehicle for full capacity use of the power point.
To prevent the battery from running out of charge:
Each door has a backup power system which allows the door to function if your vehicle has no power. The system has a limited number of operations before the power is depleted and turns off. When the system turns off, the door remains open and unlatched and does not close.
If your vehicle has no power and the backup power system is turned off, you can close and secure your vehicle by manually resetting each door latch using a key in the position shown.