Lincoln Aviator 2020-2024 Service Manual / General Information / Service Information / General Information / Description and Operation - Body Repair Health and Safety and General Precautions

Lincoln Aviator: General Information / Description and Operation - Body Repair Health and Safety and General Precautions

  WARNING: Always refer to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) when handling chemicals and wear protective equipment as directed. Examples may include but are not limited to respirators and chemically resistant gloves. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious personal injury.

  WARNING: Always wear protective equipment including eye protection with side shields, and a dust mask when sanding or grinding. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious personal injury.

  WARNING: Do not carry out body side sectioning repairs in areas of door hinge or striker anchoring points. Welding within 50 mm (1.96 in) of door hinge or striker locations may compromise structural integrity during a collision. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury to vehicle occupant(s).

  WARNING: Invisible ultraviolet and infrared rays emitted in welding can injure unprotected eyes and skin. Always use protection such as a welder's helmet with dark-colored filter lenses of the correct density. Electric welding will produce intense radiation, therefore, filter plate lenses of the deepest shade providing adequate visibility are recommended. It is strongly recommended that persons working in the weld area wear flash safety goggles. Also wear protective clothing. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious personal injury.

  WARNING: All safety belt components must be inspected and corrected as part of any collision repair. Inspect all safety belt components as prescribed by Safety Belt Inspection and Repair After a Collision found in Section 501-20A General Procedures of this manual. Failure to follow this instruction may result in incorrect operation of the safety belt system and increase the risk of serious personal injury or death in a crash.

  WARNING: If a vehicle has been in a crash, inspect the restraints control module (RCM) and the impact sensor (if equipped) mounting areas for deformation. If damaged, restore the mounting areas to the original production configuration. A new RCM and sensors must be installed whether or not the air bags have deployed. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious personal injury or death in a crash.

  WARNING: Collision damage repair must conform to the instructions contained in this workshop manual. Replacement components must be new, genuine Ford Motor Company parts. Recycled, salvaged, aftermarket or reconditioned parts (including body parts, wheels or safety restraint components) are not authorized by Ford.

Departure from the instructions provided in this manual, including alternate repair methods or the use of substitute components, risks compromising crash safety. Failure to follow these instructions may adversely affect structural integrity and crash safety performance, which could result in serious personal injury to vehicle occupants in a crash.

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