Lincoln Aviator: Rear End Sheet Metal Repairs / Removal and Installation - Quarter Panel

Special Tool(s) / General Equipment

Resistance Spotwelding Equipment
Spherical Cutter
Hot Air Gun
Air Body Saw
8 mm Drill Bit
MIG/MAG Welding Equipment
Spot Weld Drill Bit
Locking Pliers


Name Specification
Metal Bonding Adhesive
TA-1, TA-1-B, 3M™ 08115, LORD Fusor® 108B
Seam Sealer
TA-2-B, 3M™ 08308, LORD Fusor® 803DTM
Flexible Foam Repair
3M™ 08463, LORD Fusor® 121


  WARNING: Electric vehicles damaged by a crash may have compromised high voltage safety systems and present a potential high voltage electrical shock hazard. Exercise caution and wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) safety gear, including high voltage safety gloves and boots. Remove all metallic jewelry, including watches and rings. Isolate the HV system as directed by the Ford Emergency Response Guide for the vehicle. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious personal injury or death.

NOTICE: The high-voltage battery in a Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV), Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) or Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) can be affected and damaged by excessively high temperatures. The temperature in some body shop paint booths can exceed 60° C (140° F). Therefore, during refinishing operations, the paint booth temperature must set at or below 60° C (140° F) with a bake time of 45 minutes or less. Temperatures in excess of 60° C (140° F) or bake durations longer than 45 minutes will require the high-voltage battery be removed from the vehicle prior to placing in the paint booth.

NOTICE: Electric Vehicle (EV), Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) vehicles contain a High Voltage Battery (HVB). Before welding near the HVB, the HVB must be removed to avoid heat damage.

NOTE: The outer quarter panel may be sectioned at any point provided no sectioning takes place within 50mm of door hinges or restraint anchoring points. This procedure assumes full replacement, adjust to meet repair needs.

NOTE: Left hand (LH) side shown, right hand (RH) side similar.

  1. Quarter panel service panel.
  1. Quarter panel partial service panel.
  1. Hybrid vehicles:
    Remove the auxiliary battery.
    Refer to: Auxiliary Battery (414-01 Battery, Mounting and Cables, Removal and Installation).
  1. Depower the SRS .
    Refer to: Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) Depowering (501-20B Supplemental Restraint System, General Procedures).
  1. Restore the vehicle to pre-damage condition as required.
    Refer to: Body and Frame (501-26 Body Repairs - Vehicle Specific Information and Tolerance Checks, Description and Operation).
  1. Remove the rear door.
    Refer to: Rear Door (501-03 Body Closures, Removal and Installation).
  1. Remove the rear door opening tread plate.
  1. Remove the rear door opening weatherstrip.
  1. Remove the side curtain airbag.
    Refer to: Side Curtain Airbag (501-20B Supplemental Restraint System, Removal and Installation).
  1. Remove the rear door striker.
  1. Remove the quarter panel moulding.
    Refer to: Rear Quarter Panel Moulding (501-08 Exterior Trim and Ornamentation, Removal and Installation).
  1. Remove the rocker panel moulding.
    Refer to: Rocker Panel Moulding (501-08 Exterior Trim and Ornamentation, Removal and Installation).
  1. Remove the fuel filler door.
    Refer to: Fuel Filler Door (501-03 Body Closures, Removal and Installation).
  1. Disconnect the fuel tank filler pipe.
    Refer to: Fuel Tank Filler Pipe (310-01A Fuel Tank and Lines - 3.0L EcoBoost, Removal and Installation).
  1. Remove the roof rail.
    Refer to: Roof Rail (501-08 Exterior Trim and Ornamentation, Removal and Installation).
  1. Remove the quarter panel glass.
    Refer to: Fixed Glass (501-11 Glass, Frames and Mechanisms, General Procedures).
  1. Remove the loadspace trim.
    Refer to: Loadspace Trim Panel (501-05 Interior Trim and Ornamentation, Removal and Installation).
  1. Remove the rear lamp assembly.
    Refer to: Rear Lamp Assembly (417-01 Exterior Lighting, Removal and Installation).
  1. Remove the D-pillar trim.
    Refer to: D-Pillar Trim Panel (501-05 Interior Trim and Ornamentation, Removal and Installation).
  1. Remove the C-pillar trim panel.
    Refer to: C-Pillar Trim Panel (501-05 Interior Trim and Ornamentation, Removal and Installation).
  1. Disconnect modules as necessary and position aside the wiring harness and carpeting.
  1. Remove the rear wheel and tire.
    Refer to: Wheel and Tire (204-04A Wheels and Tires, Removal and Installation).
  1. Remove the splash shield.
  1. Remove the air vent.
  1. Remove the seam sealer.
    Use the General Equipment: Hot Air Gun
    Use the General Equipment: Grinder
    Use the General Equipment: Spatula
  1. Remove the welds.
    Use the General Equipment: Spot Weld Drill Bit
  1. Remove the welds.
    Use the General Equipment: Spot Weld Drill Bit
  1. Remove the welds.
    Use the General Equipment: Spot Weld Drill Bit
  1. Carefully cut through outer panel only .
    Use the General Equipment: Spherical Cutter
    Use the General Equipment: Air Body Saw
  1. Carefully cut through outer panel only in the roof ditch.
    Use the General Equipment: Spherical Cutter
    Use the General Equipment: Air Body Saw
  1. NOTE: Pay particular attention to location of adhesives and sealers to aid in installation.

    NOTE: The fuel filler pocket is attached to the quarter panel with flexible foam.

    Remove the quarter panel.
    Use the General Equipment: Hot Air Gun


  WARNING: Electric vehicles damaged by a crash may have compromised high voltage safety systems and present a potential high voltage electrical shock hazard. Exercise caution and wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) safety gear, including high voltage safety gloves and boots. Remove all metallic jewelry, including watches and rings. Isolate the HV system as directed by the Ford Emergency Response Guide for the vehicle. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious personal injury or death.

NOTICE: The high-voltage battery in a Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV), Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) or Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) can be affected and damaged by excessively high temperatures. The temperature in some body shop paint booths can exceed 60° C (140° F). Therefore, during refinishing operations, the paint booth temperature must set at or below 60° C (140° F) with a bake time of 45 minutes or less. Temperatures in excess of 60° C (140° F) or bake durations longer than 45 minutes will require the high-voltage battery be removed from the vehicle prior to placing in the paint booth.

NOTICE: Electric Vehicle (EV), Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) vehicles contain a High Voltage Battery (HVB). Before welding near the HVB, the HVB must be removed to avoid heat damage.

NOTICE: If refinishing cure temperatures exceed 60°C (140°F), the charge port light ring must be removed.

NOTE: Left hand (LH) side shown, right hand (RH) side similar.

NOTE: The outer quarter panel may be sectioned at any point provided no sectioning takes place within 50mm of door hinges or restraint anchoring points. This procedure assumes full replacement, adjust to meet repair needs.

NOTE: Factory welds may be substituted with resistance spot welds or metal insert gas (MIG) plug welds. Resistance spot welds may not be placed directly over original location. They must be placed adjacent to original location and equal factory welds in quantity. Metal inert gas (MIG) plug welds must equal factory welds in both location and quantity.

  1. Carefully cut the replacement panel to fit the repair area.
    Use the General Equipment: Spherical Cutter
    Use the General Equipment: Air Body Saw
  1. Carefully cut the replacement service panel to fit the repair area.
    Use the General Equipment: Spherical Cutter
    Use the General Equipment: Air Body Saw
  1. Drill plug weld holes.
    Use the General Equipment: 8 mm Drill Bit
  1. Drill plug weld holes.
    Use the General Equipment: 8 mm Drill Bit
  1. NOTE: Make sure of full adhesive contact with no gaps in baffle to quarter panel mating surfaces. Apply additional adhesive as necessary.

    Apply adhesive.
    Material: Metal Bonding Adhesive / TA-1, TA-1-B, 3M™ 08115, LORD Fusor® 108B
  1. Install, properly position and clamp the quarter panel.
    Use the General Equipment: Locking Pliers
  1. Install the welds.
    Use the General Equipment: Resistance Spotwelding Equipment
    Use the General Equipment: MIG/MAG Welding Equipment
  1. Install the welds.
    Use the General Equipment: MIG/MAG Welding Equipment
  1. Install the welds.
    Use the General Equipment: MIG/MAG Welding Equipment
  1. Install the welds.
    Use the General Equipment: MIG/MAG Welding Equipment
  1. Completely seam weld the sectioning joints.
    Use the General Equipment: MIG/MAG Welding Equipment
  1. Completely seam weld the roof ditch sectioning joint.
    Use the General Equipment: MIG/MAG Welding Equipment
  1. Metal finish the repair area using typical repair techniques.
  1. Sand to remove old adhesive, e-coat and thoroughly clean.
  1. Apply a Ford approved epoxy-based primer and allow to dry.
  1. Mask off the area.
  1. Seam Sealing:
    All seams must be sealed to production level.
    Material: Seam Sealer / TA-2-B, 3M™ 08308, LORD Fusor® 803DTM
  1. Seam Sealing:
    All seams must be sealed to production level.
  1. Seam Sealing:
    All seams must be sealed to production level.
    Material: Seam Sealer / TA-2-B, 3M™ 08308, LORD Fusor® 803DTM
  1. Apply NVH foam sealant in areas noted during removal.
    Material: Flexible Foam Repair / 3M™ 08463, LORD Fusor® 121
  1. Refinish the repair area using Ford approved paint system.
  1. Remove the masking tape.
  1. Install the quarter panel glass.
    Refer to: Fixed Glass (501-11 Glass, Frames and Mechanisms, General Procedures).
  1. Restore corrosion protection.
    Refer to: Corrosion Prevention (501-25 Body Repairs - General Information, General Procedures).
  1. Install the fuel filler door.
    Refer to: Fuel Filler Door (501-03 Body Closures, Removal and Installation).
  1. Install the air vent.
  1. Install the rear door striker.
    Torque: 18 lb.ft (25 Nm)
  1. Install the splash shield.
  1. Reposition carpet and wiring harnesses.
  1. Install the side curtain airbag.
    Refer to: Side Curtain Airbag (501-20B Supplemental Restraint System, Removal and Installation).
  1. Install the loadspace trim panel.
    Refer to: Loadspace Trim Panel (501-05 Interior Trim and Ornamentation, Removal and Installation).
  1. Install the D-pillar trim panel.
    Refer to: D-Pillar Trim Panel (501-05 Interior Trim and Ornamentation, Removal and Installation).
  1. Install the C-pillar trim panel.
    Refer to: C-Pillar Trim Panel (501-05 Interior Trim and Ornamentation, Removal and Installation).
  1. Install the rear lamp assembly.
    Refer to: Rear Lamp Assembly (417-01 Exterior Lighting, Removal and Installation).
  1. Install the quarter panel moulding.
    Refer to: Rear Quarter Panel Moulding (501-08 Exterior Trim and Ornamentation, Removal and Installation).
  1. Install the rocker panel moulding.
    Refer to: Rocker Panel Moulding (501-08 Exterior Trim and Ornamentation, Removal and Installation).
  1. Install the rear door opening weatherstrip.
  1. Install the rear door opening tread plate.
  1. Install and adjust the rear door.
    Refer to: Rear Door (501-03 Body Closures, Removal and Installation).
    Refer to: Rear Door Alignment (501-03 Body Closures, General Procedures).
  1. Install the roof rail.
    Refer to: Roof Rail (501-08 Exterior Trim and Ornamentation, Removal and Installation).
  1. Hybrid vehicles:
    Install the auxiliary battery.
    Refer to: Auxiliary Battery (414-01 Battery, Mounting and Cables, Removal and Installation).
  1. Repower the SRS .
    Refer to: Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) Repowering (501-20B Supplemental Restraint System, General Procedures).

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